UFW | ULTIMATE FEDERATION WRESTLING ( federation de catch vituel )
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UFW | ULTIMATE FEDERATION WRESTLING ( federation de catch vituel )
Salut Invité,

Inscris toi, lit le règlement et incarne ton catcheur préféré !

Ou connecte toi si tu a déj
UFW | ULTIMATE FEDERATION WRESTLING ( federation de catch vituel )
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UFW | ULTIMATE FEDERATION WRESTLING ( federation de catch vituel )

Invité , Welcome To UFW ! Cette fédération est à 60/5.
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 It's time to play the game !!!!!!

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5 participants

It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMar 4 Oct - 19:00

Information Personnelles

Nom / Surnom :Morgan
Âge :12
Localisation :Isere
Depuis combien de temps vous intéressez vous au catch ? 3 ans
Catcheur préféré :HBK,Y2J,HHH
Catcheuse préférée :Toutes
Team préférée :DX
Fédération préférée :Wwe
Comment avez vous connu la fédération :Par hasard

Information Catcheur(euse)

Nom :Triple H (Hunter Hearst Helmsley)
Finisher :Pedigree
Heel / Tweener / Face :Tweener
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It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMar 4 Oct - 19:13

Merci.Ok je met un avatar du game.
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Messages : 332
Wrestling Points : 24317
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2011

It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMar 4 Oct - 19:14

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It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMar 4 Oct - 19:16

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Messages : 1472
Wrestling Points : 25668
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : West Newbury, Massachusetts,

It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMar 4 Oct - 20:14

Matt47 a écrit:
bienvenue,le chairmain est cmpunk.
il faut que tu te connecte minimum tout le 4 jours.et met une photo du game
C est a Cm punk de dire sa sinon Triple h bienvenu
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Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash

Messages : 120
Wrestling Points : 23896
Date d'inscription : 18/09/2011

It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMar 4 Oct - 20:42

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It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMar 4 Oct - 20:46

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It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMer 5 Oct - 7:42

Merci à tous.
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Messages : 1472
Wrestling Points : 25668
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : West Newbury, Massachusetts,

It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMer 5 Oct - 7:45

Triple h je t ai envoyer un MP
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It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMer 5 Oct - 8:06

J'ai répondu.
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Messages : 1472
Wrestling Points : 25668
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : West Newbury, Massachusetts,

It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMer 5 Oct - 8:07

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Messages : 1472
Wrestling Points : 25668
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : West Newbury, Massachusetts,

It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyMer 5 Oct - 8:09

Je t ai répondu
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»CM Punk
main chair (Admin)
main chair (Admin)
»CM Punk

Messages : 289
Wrestling Points : 25066
Date d'inscription : 22/07/2011
Age : 27
Localisation : Je t'en pose des question moi ?

It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptySam 8 Oct - 16:32

Bienvenue dans la fédération je suis le chairman.N'oublie pas d'être actif et de m'envoyer ton 60/5 !
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Y2J | Chris Jericho

Y2J | Chris Jericho

Messages : 153
Wrestling Points : 24124
Date d'inscription : 14/08/2011
Age : 28
Localisation : /

It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptySam 8 Oct - 21:32

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It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! EmptyDim 9 Oct - 6:48

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It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It's time to play the game !!!!!!   It's time to play the game !!!!!! Empty

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It's time to play the game !!!!!!
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